Cookie Policy

We use cookies for a number of different purposes that are typical of most websites. These include essential site functions that are required for the site to work properly, gathering anonymous analytics, remembering settings chosen by the user, and gathering marketing statistics. A summary of the cookies we may use is provided below.

Essential cookies are needed so the website functions properly. They allow for things like keeping track of your login to the site or what stage of a multi-part form you might be on.

Analytics give us aggregate, anonymous information about which pages are the most popular and how people move around the site. This gives us a better view as to how we can improve the site.

Personalization cookies remember settings relating to user choices such as font size, or remember your answer to a question so you won't have to answer it again.

You can be exempted from our cookies that track marketing by selecting the Do-Not-Track option in you browser's settings. These cookies work with and

This website stores data such as cookies to enable essential site functionality, as well as marketing, personalization and analytics. By remaining on this website you indicate your consent. Cookie Policy